Monday, March 26, 2012

Post 7: Instrumental solos and improvisation in Bluegrass and Psychedelic music

In both Bluegrass and Psychedelic music improvisation and solos are very important to the feel of the piece. In Psychedelic music improvisation often had no order, it is disorderly and random. The improvisation of Psychedelic music allows the piece of music to have a sort of surreal quality, especially with the use of effects such as reverb and many of the instruments used.

Usually in Psychedelic music the lead guitar has many solos throughout a piece of music, however there may also be keyboard, drum, and bass solos. In Bluegrass music the banjo usually has solos, emphasizing melodic over the rhythmic aspects of a piece. However any of the other instruments may at any time take a solo.

Reising, Russell. "Melting Clocks and the Hallways of Always: Time in
     Psychedelic Music." Popular Music and Society 32.4 (2009): 523–547.
     Academic Search Complete. Web. 24 Jan. 2012.
Smith, L. Mayne. "An Introduction to Bluegrass." American Folklore Society
     78.Hillbilly Issue (1965): 245-256.
JSTOR. Web. 1 Dec. 2011.
     < .>.
Whiteley, Sheila. "Progressive Rock and Psychedelic Coding in the Work of Jimi
     Hendrix." Popular Music 9.1 (1990): 37-60. JSTOR. Web. 24 Jan. 2012.


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